Install Phpmyadmin Solaris

  1. Install Phpmyadmin Solaris 11
  2. Install Phpmyadmin Mac
  3. How To Install Solaris 10

One thought on “ Solaris 11: Installing MySQL ” gulaabkhan March 26, 2013 at 11:57 am. Thank you for an informative blog, how can I install phpMyAdmin in Solaris 11. Will be most grateful – thanks. Nov 05, 2010  If using phpMyAdmin create a file called.htaccess in the phpMyAdmin install directory and add these lines: This makes it so that phpMyAdmin can only be accessed from the localhost. Since Sun Solaris likes to put a majority of your disk space during install in the /export/ partition, I will create a www folder in the /export folder. # mkdir /export/www/ Now let's edit the config file which is located here. Install phpmyadmin on Solaris 10 and 11. Reverse dependencies are Solaris packages that depends on phpmyadmin. Software name Description; Libraries dependencies ( 0 ). If you install MySQL using a binary tarball distribution on Solaris, because the Solaris tar cannot handle long file names, use GNU tar (gtar) to unpack the distribution. If you do not have GNU tar on your system, install it with the following command.

The Apache webserver can be installed and set up as either a non secure or a securewebserver. This section provides procedures for both types of installations. To install a non secure version of the webserver, see one of the following procedures.

To install a secure version of the webserver, see one of the following procedures.

Sun Cluster HA for Apache works with the Apache software configured as either a web server or a proxy server.

See Apache documentation at for standard installation instructions. Contact your Sun sales representative for a complete list of Apache versions that are supported with the Sun Cluster software.

Note – Solaris

The Sun Cluster HA for Apache can be configured to run in a whole root or a sparse root non-global zone, if required.


Installing a Non-Secure Apache Webserver

This section provides procedures for installinga non-secure Apache webserver. For procedures for installing a secure Apache webserver, see Installing a Secure Apache Webserver.

How to Install and Configure the Apache Software From the Solaris CD-ROM

This procedure installs a non secure version of the Apache webserver. For procedures for installing a secure Apache webserver, see Installing a Secure Apache Webserver.

The Apache binaries are included in three packages—SUNWapchr, SUNWapchu, and SUNWapchd—that form the SUNWCapache package metacluster. You must install the SUNWapchr package before youinstall the SUNWapchu package.

Place the Web server binaries on the local file system on each of your cluster nodes or on a cluster file system.

Note –

If you are using the clsetup utility to configure Sun Cluster HA for Apache, skip Step 2 in this procedure. The clsetup utility automates Step 2.

  1. Run the pkginfo(1) command to determine if the Apache packages SUNWapchr, SUNWapchu, and SUNWapchd have been installed.

    If these packages have not been installed, installthem as follows.

    • Starting with Solaris 9, run the following command.

    • Starting with Solaris 10, run the following command.

    The output from the command is as follows.

  2. Disable the START and STOP run control scripts that were just installed as part of the SUNWapchr package.

    This step is necessary because Sun Cluster HA for Apache starts and stops the Apache applicationafter you have configured the data service. Perform the following steps.

    1. List the Apache run control scripts.

    2. Rename the Apache run control scripts.

    3. Verify that all the Apache-related scripts have been renamed.

      The following example changes the first letter in the name of the run control script from uppercase to lowercase. However, you can rename the scripts to be consistent with your normaladministration practices.

How to Install and Configure the Apache Software from the Apache Web Site

This procedure installs a non secure version of the Apache webserver. For procedures for installing a secure Apache webserver, see Installing a Secure Apache Webserver.

Place the web server binaries on the local file system on each of your cluster nodes or on a cluster file system.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.

  2. Install the Apache software using the installation procedures found in the Apache installation documentation.

    Install the Apache software using the Apache installation documentation you received with your Apache software or see the installation instructionsat

  3. Update the httpd.conf configuration file.

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    • Set the ServerName directive. (In Version 2.0 of Apache, the ServerName directive specifies the hostname and the port.)

    • Set the BindAddress directive (optional). (The BindAddress directive only exists in versions prior to Apache 2.0. For Apache 2.0, see the following bullet for the Listen directive.)

    • Set the Listen directive. The Listen directive must use the address of the logical host or shared address. (The Listen directive only exists in Apache 2.0 and beyond. For Apache versions prior to Apache 2.0, see the previousbullet for the BindAddress directive.)

    • Set the ServerType, ServerRoot, DocumentRoot, ScriptAlias, and LockFile directives.

      Note –

      The ServerType directive does not exist in Apache 2.0.

    • Set the Port directive to the same number as the Port_list standard resource property. See Step 4 for more information.

    • Make changes to run as a proxy server if you choose to run the Apache software as a proxy server. See the Apache documentation for more information. If you will run the Apache software as a proxy server, the CacheRoot setting must point to a location on the clusterfile system.

    Note –

    If you are using the clsetup utility to configure Sun Cluster HA for Apache, you do not need to update the BindAddress, ServerRoot, and Port directives. These directives are automatically updated when you run the clsetup utility.

  4. Verify that the port number or numbers in the httpd.conf file match those of the Port_list standard resource property.

    You can edit the httpd.conf configuration file to change its port numberor numbers to match the standard Sun Cluster resource property default (port 80). Alternatively, while you configure Sun Cluster HA for Apache, you can set the Port_list standard property to match the setting in the httpd.conf file.

  5. Update the paths in the Apache start/stop script file (Bin_dir/apachectl).

    You must change the paths from the Apache defaults to match your Apache directory structure. For example, change the line in the BIN_dir/apachectlscript beginning with HTTPD=/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd to the following.

  6. Perform the following tasks to verify your configuration changes.

    1. Run apachectl configtest to check the Apache httpd.conf file for correct syntax.

      Note –

      If you are using the clsetup utility to configure Sun Cluster HA for Apache, skip this step. This step is automatically executed when you run the clsetup utility.

    2. Ensure that any logical hostnames or shared addresses that Apache uses are configured and online.

    3. Issue apachectl start to start up your Apache server by hand.

      If Apache does not start up correctly, correct the problem.

    4. After Apache has started, stop it before moving to the next procedure.

Installing a Secure Apache Webserver

This section provides procedures for installing asecure Apache webserver. For procedures for installing a non-secure Apache webserver, see Installing a Non-Secure Apache Webserver.

How to Install and Configure the Apache Software Using mod_ssl

This procedure installs a secure version of the Apache webserver. For procedures for installing a non-secure Apache webserver, see Installing a Non-Secure Apache Webserver.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.

  2. Install the Apache software, including mod_ssl.

    To install mod_ssl, see the Apache installation documentation or the installation instructions at

  3. Update the httpd.conf configuration file.

    • Set the ServerName directive.

    • Set the BindAddress directive (optional).

    • Set the ServerType, ServerRoot, DocumentRoot, ScriptAlias, and LockFile directives.

    • Set the Port directive to the same number as the Port_list standard resource property. See Step 4 for more information.

    • Make changes to run as a proxy server if you choose to run the Apache software as a proxy server. See the Apache documentation for more information. If you plan to run the Apache software as a proxy server, the CacheRoot setting must point to a location on thecluster file system.

  4. Verify that the port number or numbers in the httpd.conf file match those of the Port_list standard resource property.

    You can edit the httpd.conf configuration file to change its port numberor numbers to match the standard Sun Cluster resource property default (port 80). Alternatively, while you configure Sun Cluster HA for Apache, you can set the Port_list standard property to match the setting in the httpd.conf file.

  5. Install all certificates and keys.

  6. In Bin_dir directory, create a file called keypass. Make sure that no one other than the owner has any permissions for this file.

  7. If you are using an encrypted private key or keys, perform the following Step a and Step b.

    1. In the httpd.conf file, look for SSLPassPhraseDialog directive and modify it as follows.

      See the mod_ssl documentation for details about the SSLPassPhraseDialog directive.

    2. Edit the keypass file so that it prints the pass phrase for the encrypted key corresponding to a host and a port.

      This file will be called with server:port algorithm as arguments. Make sure that the filecan print the pass phrase for each of your encrypted keys when called with the correct parameters.

      Later, when you attempt to start the web server manually, it must not prompt you for a pass phrase. For example, for a secure web server listening on ports 8080 and 8888, with privatekeys for both encrypted using RSA, the keypass file could be the following.

      Note –

      The keypass file must not be readable, writable, or executable by anyone other than the owner.

  8. In the httpd.conf file, set the SSLLogLevel to warn to avoid logging a message every time the web server is probed by Sun Cluster HA for Apache.

  9. Update the paths in the Apache start/stop script file (Bin_dir/apachect1).

    You must change the paths from the Apache defaults to match your Apache directory structure.

  10. Perform the following tasks to verify your configuration changes.

    1. Run apachectl configtest to check the Apache httpd.conf file for correct syntax.

    2. Ensure that any logical hostnames or shared addresses that Apache uses are configured and online.

    3. Issue apachectl start to start up your Apache server by hand.

      Make sure that the web server does not ask you for a passphrase.

      If Apache does not start up correctly, correct the problem.

    4. After Apache has started, stop it before moving to the next procedure.

How to Install and Configure the Apache Software Using apache-ssl

This procedure installs a secure version of the Apache webserver. For procedures for installing a non-secure Apache webserver, see Installing a Non-Secure Apache Webserver.

Install Phpmyadmin Solaris 11

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.

  2. Install the Apache software, including apache-ssl, using the installation procedures found in the Apache installation documentation.

    To install apache-ssl, see the Apache installation documentation or the installationinstructions at

  3. Update the httpd.conf configuration file.

    • Set the ServerName directive.

    • Set the BindAddress directive (optional).

    • Set the ServerType, ServerRoot, DocumentRoot, ScriptAlias, and LockFile directives.

    • Set the Port directive to the same number as the Port_list standard resource property. See Step 4 for more information.

    • Make changes to run as a proxy server if you choose to run the Apache software as a proxy server. See the Apache documentation for more information. If you will run the Apache software as a proxy server, the CacheRoot setting must point to a location on the clusterfile system.

  4. Verify that the port number or numbers in the httpd.conf file match those of the Port_list standard resource property.

    You can edit the httpd.conf configuration file to change its portnumber or numbers to match the standard Sun Cluster resource property default (port 80). Alternatively, while you configure Sun Cluster HA for Apache, you can set the Port_list standard property to match the setting in the httpd.conf file.

  5. Install all certificates and keys.

  6. Make sure that all your private keys are stored unencrypted.

    Later, when you attempt to start the web server manually, it must not prompt you for a pass phrase.

  7. Update the paths in the Apache start/stop script file (Bin_dir/httpsdct1).

    You must change the paths from the Apache defaults to match your Apache directory structure.

  8. Perform the following tasks to verify your configuration changes.

    1. Run httpsdctl configtest to check the Apache httpd.conf file for correct syntax.

    2. Ensure that any logical hostnames or shared addresses that Apache uses are configured and online.

    3. Issue httpsdctl start to start up your Apache server by hand.

      If Apache does not start up correctly, correct the problem.

    4. After Apache has started, stop it before moving to the next procedure.

Next Steps

If you did not install the Sun Cluster HA for Apache during your initial Sun Cluster installation, go to Installing the Sun Cluster HA for Apache Packages. Otherwise, go to Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Apache.


2.7.1 Installing MySQL on Solaris Using a Solaris PKG

MySQL 5.7 supports Solaris 11 (Update 3 and later).

MySQL on Solaris is available in a number of different formats.

  • For information on installing using the native Solaris PKG format, see Section 2.7.1, “Installing MySQL on Solaris Using a Solaris PKG”.

  • To use a standard tar binary installation, use the notes provided in Section 2.2, “Installing MySQL on Unix/Linux Using Generic Binaries”. Check the notes and hints at the end of this section for Solaris specific notes that you may need before or after installation.

    Silverfast 8 tutorials. Thus the image quality of the scanner can be considerably increased and you do not have to spend a lot of time for extensive image editing. With the SilverFast IT-8 colour calibration it is possible to individually calibrate your scanner and work within a professional colour management workflow.

The installation packages have a dependency on the Oracle Developer Studio 12.5 Runtime Libraries, which must be installed before you run the MySQL installation package. See the download options for Oracle Developer Studio here. The installation package enables you to install the runtime libraries only instead of the full Oracle Developer Studio; see instructions in Installing Only the Runtime Libraries on Oracle Solaris 11.

Install Phpmyadmin Mac

To obtain a binary MySQL distribution for Solaris in tarball or PKG format,

How To Install Solaris 10

Additional notes to be aware of when installing and using MySQL on Solaris:

  • If you want to use MySQL with the mysql user and group, use the groupadd and useradd commands:

  • If you install MySQL using a binary tarball distribution on Solaris, because the Solaris tar cannot handle long file names, use GNU tar (gtar) to unpack the distribution. If you do not have GNU tar on your system, install it with the following command:

  • You should mount any file systems on which you intend to store InnoDB files with the forcedirectio option. (By default mounting is done without this option.) Failing to do so will cause a significant drop in performance when using the InnoDB storage engine on this platform.

  • If you would like MySQL to start automatically, you can copy support-files/mysql.server to /etc/init.d and create a symbolic link to it named /etc/rc3.d/S99mysql.server.

  • If too many processes try to connect very rapidly to mysqld, you should see this error in the MySQL log:

    You might try starting the server with the --back_log=50 option as a workaround for this.

  • To configure the generation of core files on Solaris you should use the coreadm command. Because of the security implications of generating a core on a setuid() application, by default, Solaris does not support core files on setuid() programs. However, you can modify this behavior using coreadm. If you enable setuid() core files for the current user, they will be generated using the mode 600 and owned by the superuser.