Phpx Activate User No Input File Specified

  1. Nginx No Input File Specified
  2. No Input File Specified Wordpress
  3. Phpinfo No Input File Specified
  4. Laravel Homestead No Input File Specified
  5. No Input File Specified
Active2 months ago

Input elements with type='file' let the user choose one or more files from their device storage. The multiple attribute is specified. Using file inputs.

Run a batch file in a completely hidden way. Input what you would usually put in a bat file. And Bobs your uncle! Can I get UAC prompt for user from batch. I just create a simple php file that show php info, but even that file cannot be viewed, it just show 'No input file specified' Reply Martin Fjordvald Posted: July 24, 2013. Symlink to PHP script under a different user/home directory: “No input file specified”. I have a website that calls a symlink pointing to a php file in another. Enable JIT optimization, create PDB file. Type names must be prefixed with a default or user-specified string. Is then used in the incremental input file. The No input file specified is a message you are presented with because of the implementation of PHP on your server, which in this case indicates a CGI implementation (can be verified with phpinfo()). User contributions licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required. NetCDF Utilities. Table of Contents. Variables in a netCDF file. For netCDF-4 files, groups and user-defined types are. Is not specified and the input file has.

I'm running Anchor CMS and I just upgraded to version 0.8. When I try and run the installer I get a 'No input file specified' error. I believe it's more than likely a .htaccess problem but I'm not sure what the correct settings should be.

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My .htaccess is set to:

I'm also using a GoDaddy as the hosting provider if that helps.

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Cole RobertsCole Roberts
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11 Answers

The No input file specified is a message you are presented with because of the implementation of PHP on your server, which in this case indicates a CGI implementation (can be verified with phpinfo()).

Now, to properly explain this, you need to have some basic understanding on how your system works with URL's. Based on your .htaccess file, it seems that your CMS expects the URL to passed along as a PATH_INFO variable. CGI and FastCGI implementations do not have PATH_INFO available, so when trying to pass the URI along, PHP fails with that message.

We need to find an alternative.

One option is to try and fix this. Looking into the documentation for core php.ini directives you can see that you can change the workings for your implementation. Although, GoDaddy probably won't allow you to change PHP settings on a shared enviroment.

We need to find an alternative to modifying PHP settings
Looking into system/uri.php on line 40, you will see that the CMS attempts two types of URI detection - the first being PATH_INFO, which we just learned won't work - the other being the REQUEST_URI.

This should basically, be enough - but the parsing of the URI passed, will cause you more trouble, as the URI, which you could pass to REQUEST_URI variable, forces parse_url() to only return the URL path - which basically puts you back to zero.

Nginx No Input File Specified

Now, there's actually only one possibilty left - and that's changing the core of the CMS. The URI detection part is insufficient.

Add QUERY_STRING to the array on line 40 as the first element in system/uri.php and change your .htaccess to look like this:

This will pass the URI you request to index.php as QUERY_STRING and have the URI detection to find it.

This, on the other hand, makes it impossible to update the CMS without changing core files till this have been fixed. That sucks..

Need a better option?
Find a better CMS.

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Citing :

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If you want to use GoDaddy as a host and you find yourself getting 'No input file specified' errors in the control panel, you'll need to create a php5.ini file in your weboot with the following rule:

cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

best easy answer just one line change and you are all set.

recommended for godaddy hosting.


In my case, there were an error in the php.ini open_basedir variable.

2,9201 gold badge21 silver badges34 bronze badges

I had the same problem. All I did to fix the issue was to modify my htacces file like this:

9941 gold badge8 silver badges14 bronze badges

GoDaddy is currently (Feb '13) supporting modification of FastCGI for some accounts using PHP 5.2.x or earlier. See GoDaddy article 'Disabling FastCGI in Your Hosting Account'.
(In my case, this is apparently necessary to help get the current version of LimeSurvey (2.0) towards a running state.)

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Adding php5.ini doesn't work at all.But see the 'Disable FastCGI' section in this article on GoDaddy:

Add these lines to .htaccess files (webroot & website installation directory):

It saves me a day! Cheers!Thanks DragonLord!

5,00513 gold badges65 silver badges122 bronze badges

It worked for me.add on top of .htaccess file. It would disable FastCGI on godaddy shared hosting account.

Options +ExecCGI

addhandler x-httpd-php5-cgi .php

Yarin GoldYarin Gold
1731 gold badge2 silver badges16 bronze badges

The solution for me was to remove white space in one of my helper files. The error listed two pages involved, a CI session file and one of my custom helpers.



No Input File Specified Wordpress

All the previous reviews were tested by me, but there was no solution. But I did not give up.

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Uncomment the following lines in my NGINX configuration

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The same code should follow in the site-enable folder

And comment this:

I changed several times from the original:


Going back to this:

And finally I found what worked ..

I also recommend these lines..

And even the FastCGI timeout (only to improve performance)

During the process, I checked the NGINX log for all modifications.(This is very important because it shows the wrong parameter.)

In my case it is like this, but it depends on the configuration:

Test the NGINX Configuration

Attention this is one of the options ..Well on the same server, what did not work on this site works on others .. So keep in mind that the settings depends on the platform.

In this case it was for Joomla CMS.


In my case, I fixed it by butting the rules inside a LocationMatch Directive

/. matches any location

I have the rewrite rules inside one of the .conf files of Apache NOT .htaccess file.

I don't know why this worked with me, this is my current setup

  • Apache version 2.4
  • PHP 7.1
  • OS Centos 7
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protected by CommunityMay 13 '15 at 13:16

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Active3 years, 5 months ago

I'm running php-cgi and NGINX. They are running in a folder, however their root directory is 2 directories out, and 2 in from there. When the root was html (default), they worked perfectly, however now php reports the 'No Input File Specified' error. I've tried setting the directory to give full control to all programs, I already have full control, I've tried to see if php is looking in a different directory, tried changing the directories, hard coding the php variable, etc. I've followed about 5 different tutorials on how to fix this problem, but none have resolved it. There are no errors in the console and my fastcgi.conf is unchanged. php and NGINX are both definitely running and communicating, however php fails to get the file for some reason. When accessing any non-php file, NGINX successfully retrieves the file and my browser displays it. I have verified, using netstat, that the only thing listening on port 9100 is my php-cgi. And the only thing listening on port 8080 is NGINX. Both php and NGINX are configured to communicate correctly, and php-cgi is running via RunHiddenConsole.exe which is in the php directory.

Here is the directory tree, in a format similar to YAML:

And my nginx.conf

What could be the cause of this error and how can I resolve it so that I can view the php files properly in my browser? (I am using Eclipse PHP to edit the source, and the error occurs with and without Eclipse running.)

Phpinfo No Input File Specified


2 Answers

As php does not like relative directories, my solution was to use batch to set an absolute directory every startup. I inserted the following in my batch start script prior to starting NGINX.

Laravel Homestead No Input File Specified

Then in the NGINX configuration file, I inserted the following in the php location block to load the directory settings.


You define your root as a relative path, which is relative to the nginx configuration directory.

No Input File Specified

This is then passed to php-cgi, which probably does not care where nginx keeps its files. So cannot resolve ././.

You should specify an absolute root.

Richard SmithRichard Smith

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